Tuesday, September 16, 2008


When I wake up
My first thought is about you...
I smile
When I go to sleep 
My dreams are about you...
I smile

I smile when I hear from you
I smile when I hear your voice
I smile when I see your face
I smile when...
You say you love me.

I love you, too.
But what's gonna happen when you're gone?
And that smile is wiped away?
Who's gonna make me smile then?

A lot of people say that a smile is contagious
But the only person that is passing it on to me 
Is you

You make me smile
And you're all I need

Just a pure smile from you 
Makes me happy
But I hope I make you happy, too.
Because I care
I care deeply
And all for just a smile :)
From you.

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